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events strengthen community

and showcase innovators

Participate in AGENCY events to learn the latest trends, dig deep on complex topics, and meet innovators who are forging the future of aging and longevity.  Produce an event with AGENCY to give visibility to your company's thought leaders and showcase your ideas.  Together, we'll drive conversations with stakeholders and the community, and give a stage to emerging talent, startups, and creative companies who are helping consumers live longer and age better.  Events include: lectures, symposia, hackathons, curated roundtables, pitchfests, reverse-pitches, and many other formats.  Contact us to sponsor/design a custom event with AGENCY, or if you'd like us to recommend compelling speakers for your own event. 



(partial list)

AARP Innovation Labs  |  Aging 2.0  |  Babson College  |  Benchmark Senior Living, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston  |  Boston Society of Actuaries  |  Boston University, Innovate @BU  |  Eileen Tell Consulting  |  EforAll  |  Fidelity Investments, MA Investor Centers  |  FinTech Sandbox  |  Global Coalition on Aging  |  Harvard Catalyst  |  John Hartford Foundation  |  MA eHealth Institute  |  MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs  |  MassMEDIC Association  |  MIT Enterprise Forum  |  MIT Hacking Medicine  |  Procter & Gamble, P&G Ventures |   SCORE Mentoring  |  Society of Actuaries  |  SOMPO Digital Labs of Japan  |  Tufts Health Foundation  |  Third Half Advisors  |  UBS  |  University of Rochester  |  Venture Cafe Global  |  Wentworth University, Accelerate  |  Worcester Polytechnic, Practice Point   |  World Health Congress


on Stage

(partial list)

Age-Friendly Advisors  |  Aneufit  |  Attn: Grace  |  Care Academy  |  Care Clever  |  Care.Coach  |  CareOff  |  Care-Wallet  |  Choose Your Reader  |  Slumber by EHG  |  eMotionRx  |  embr Labs  |  Hidrate  |  HomeAgain Transitions MA  |  imaginostics  |  LifePod  |  Life-Notes  |  Livindi  |  LVNGBook  |  MA Housing Navigator  |  MeetCaregivers  |  PongTech  |  React Neuro  |  Robur Health  |  Sackner Wellness  |  Sunu  |  SweetMobility Cane Wraps  |  WaBu  |  Wearologie  |  Wellzesta  |  WatchRx  |  WheelPad  |  Zibrio

Past Event Highlights

4 PM - 5:30PM ET


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Smart Home Innovation for 50+ Pitch
AARP Innovation Labs & AgeTech Collaborative 

Hear exciting ideas from six innovative startups that enable older adults to live more active, independent, and safer lives in the cherished places they call home while retaining a vibrant connection to their community. 

with host Danielle D. Duplin, AGENCY, and
Andy Miller, AARP Innovation Labs

Mar 24
Noon - 1PM ET


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UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards,
Start-up Showcase, hosted by AGENCY

Meet UK-based founders who are turning their cutting-edge research into innovative products and services that help older adults live healthier, happier lives.  You'll also hear expert feedback from investors, policymakers, and advocates 

with host Danielle D. Duplin, AGENCY, and George MacGinnis, UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge

Feb 23
4:00-5:30PM ET


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AGENCY Founders Over 55+ Club:
The Art & Practice of Your Ask

guest speaker: Diane Darling, Networking Strategist

In reaching out to start or grow your business, how do you form a concise and thoughtful “ask” when you need ideas, advice, leads or other inputs? Join us to learn some frameworks for making effective asks, then practice your asks in several rounds of “give & get” speed networking. You’ll hone your message, develop confidence, and leave chock-full of contacts and ideas.

with host Danielle D. Duplin (AGENCY), and F55+ Steering Committee: Mary J Cronin, Doug Dickson, Ramesh Advani, Paul D. Michaels, Jerry Wolosenko

Sep 22
4:00-5:30PM ET


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AGENCY Founders Over 55+ Club:
Leverage your Personal Strengths 
to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

Third Half Advisors

How to examine your strengths in the domains of Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking to realize your full potential and succeed as an encore entrepreneur.

Presented by Polly Chandler (Third Half Advisors); with host Danielle D. Duplin (AGENCY)


Feb 10

4:00-5:30PM ET


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AGENCY Founders Over 55+ Club:

Ageless Startup: How to Start a Business at Any Age

Encore Boston, 4Q Catalyst, Get Fit Made Easy

"The world needs you. You have time to make a difference, and you have the experience, resilience, and drive to make it. " We invite you to learn from Rick Terrien, an award-winning entrepreneur and author of “Ageless Startup: How to Start a Business at Any Age”.  Join us for a fabulous Fireside Chat to discuss Rick’s ‘field guide’ that helps you bridge from employee to entrepreneur, or from empty-nester to business-owner.


With host Danielle D. Duplin (AGENCY)



4:00-5:30PM ET


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AGENCY Founders Over 55+ Club:

The Crucial Role of Mentors to Grow Your Encore Startup

Encore Boston, SCORE, MIT Enterprise Forum, EforAll

How to find and build valuable relationships with expert mentors who can help you overcome business roadblocks and grow as a leader.


Presented by Katja Wald (MIT Enterprise Forum), Bill Hulsey & Ramesh Advani (SCORE), Kevin Moforte Madsen (EforAll), Paul D. Michaels (GetFitMadeEasy), with host Danielle D. Duplin (AGENCY)


Sep 30

4:00-5:30PM ET


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AGENCY Founders Over 55+ Club:

Winning Money, Mentors, & More for Your Encore Startup

Encore Boston, Babson College

Debi Kleiman, expert mentor, and marketer, will share her tips and strategies from her new book First Pitch to help you build strategic relationships and deliver a pitch that is concise, compelling, and clear to help grow your startup.


Presented by Debi Kleiman, Executive Director, Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship at Babson College, with host Danielle D. Duplin (AGENCY)


Aug 13th

5:00-6:00PM ET


Venture Cafe Miami

Cafe Conversations - Aging with Choice 

Procter & Gamble

The global pandemic is a clarion call to entrepreneurs and innovators across all sectors to help millions of consumers worldwide age with choice, dignity, and joy. Add your voice to the community conversation on innovating for self-care.


Presented by Chetan Parekh, Innovation Portfolio Leader, P&G Ventures; Danielle D. Duplin, AGENCY, with host Leigh-Ann Buchanan, Executive Director Venture Cafe Miami

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AUG 13

3:00-4:30PM ET

AGENCY Founders Over 55+ Club:

Angel Investing to Launch Your Encore Startup


Venture Cafe Cambridge

Learn the unique, and useful, ways that angel investors can help fund your startup to get it off the ground and continue to be your ally as you grow your business. 


Presented by Anita Brearton (Golden Seeds and Mass Ventures); and Detlef Rethage (LaunchPad); Tim Ericson (Zagster); with host Danielle D. Duplin (AGENCY)

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Encore Boston, LaunchPad, Golden Seeds, MassVentures


Aug 6th

1:00-2:00PM ET


Venture Cafe Global

P&G Ventures: Scouting for Solutions for the World's Aging Populations 

Procter & Gamble

What does the world's largest CPG company look for in partnering with a startup to help consumers age with choice and dignity? How can products that serve one consumer demographic be reimagined to appeal to an older demographic? Join us for 'The Happening', a global gathering of Venture Cafe's around the world on the same day to innovate for our collective "better new normal".


Presented by Betsy Bluestone, Commercial Discovery Leader, P&G Ventures; with host Danielle D. Duplin, AGENCY

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4pM-5:30PM ET


Venture Cafe Cambridge

AGENCY Pitchfest for Vitality

AARP Innovation Labs

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How might we improve the vitality of older adults with innovation for well-being, fitness, nutrition, or lifestyle?


Join us at Virtual Venture Cafe and watch high growth startups as they pitch their creative solutions to help people choose how they live as they age.  You'll meet expert judges and influencers in the agetech community, and see which startup advances to the AARP Innovation Labs Grand Pitch Finale.


with host Danielle D. Duplin


juL 9

4:00-5:00PM ET


Venture Cafe Cambridge

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Ask Me Anything: How to Design and Scale Innovative Consumer Goods for the World's Aging Populations 

Procter & Gamble, P&G Ventures

Learn from the world's largest CPG company how to (1) adapt your innovation for a meaningful number of older consumers; (2) develop a brand strategy that resonates; (3) overcome hurdles in manufacturing, supply chain, regulatory, and marketing; and (4) access global markets.


Presented by Chetan Parekh, Innovation Portfolio Leader, P&G Ventures; with host Danielle D. Duplin


jun 4

4pM-5:30PM ET


Venture Cafe Cambridge

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Reframing Aging: Powerful Ways to Communicate without Ageism

Tufts Health Plan Foundation

Do your marketing campaigns and product strategies reflect an ageism bias that is limiting your company growth? Learn powerful messaging techniques that communicate with older people in ways that inspire and connect, rather than marginalize or offend.


Presented by Alrie McNiff Daniels, Senior Communications Officer for Tufts Health Plan Foundation, and certified FrameWorks Institute Facilitator; with host Danielle D. Duplin


Sep 12

11:30AM-12:30PM ET

CIC Lighthouse

50 Milk St. 

Boston, MA


The Hidden Costs of Eldercare

Boston FinTech Week and FinTech Sandbox

A call for innovation to help older adults who are outliving their money, which is likely to be most of us.


Featuring experts in long-term care and retirement planning from UBS Financial, Lincoln Financial, and ET Consulting, with emcee Danielle D. Duplin


jul 25

5PM- 8PM  ET


245 Main St. 

Cambridge, MA


AGENCY Pitchfest #1: AARP Innovation Labs

AARP Innovation Labs

Come hear innovative startups pitch their solutions to help address chronic health conditions and social isolation of older adults.  Your vote helps make the aging journey better for all. 


Featuring startups: Sunu, PongTech, Groundations, Livindi, Care.Coach, MeetCaregivers, and host Danielle D. Duplin


jun 10

11 AM- 4PM  ET


245 Main St. 

Cambridge, MA


d.Health preSummit for Aging Americans

University of Rochester, John A. Hartford Foundation

Join us for a special gathering on "Transforming How We Care" prior to the national d.Health forum for health and technology leaders, entrepreneurs, senior care advocates, and policymakers to improve the lives of the nation’s aging population. Screen the documentary "Nine to Ninety": a journey of love and difficult decisions of family caregivers.


Featuring speakers from MeHI,, CareAcademy, SeniorLink, Torchlight, Health Management Associates, National Alliance for Caregiving and host Danielle D. Duplin


May 8

5:30 - 9PM  ET


245 Main St. 

Cambridge, MA


Advanced Voice Tech for Older Adults

Aging2.0 Boston, and Age-Friendly Ventures

Join us to learn how companies integrate voice tech into product experiences to help older adults lead more engaged, safe, and independent lives. 


Featuring speakers from MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, MIT Media Lab, Dragon Systems, Pillo Health, Orbita, LifePod, Care.Coach, with moderator by Sally Abrahms and host Danielle D. Duplin


Apr 11

5:30 - 9PM  ET


245 Main St. 

Cambridge, MA

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Entrepreneurship for the Longevity Revolution

MIT Enterprise Forum Cambridge

Join us to explore how the massive shift in the demographics of aging worldwide is also generating massive entrepreneurial opportunities across all sectors.


Featuring speakers from MIT, Benchmark Senior Living, Life BioSciences, imaginostics, and with host Jody Holtzman and emcee Danielle D. Duplin


Mar 19

4 - 6PM  ET

Hale Building for Transformative Medicine

Brigham & Women's Hospital

Boston, MA


AGENCY Reverse Pitch

Brigham & Women's Hosptial, Division of Aging and iHub

Join us to learn directly from geriatricians on critical unmet needs in the medical care system for older adults, their families and caregivers, and how your startup and product ideas can help.


Featuring Houman Javedin, M.D., Laura Frain, M.D., M.P.H, Samir Tulebaev, M.D., and Kristin Cardin, N.P. with hosts Brian Mullen, Ph.D. and  Danielle D. Duplin


AGENCY is a hub for collective impact where innovators improve the aging journey for all.  AGENCY offers ecosystem-as-a-service, coaching, and thought leadership programs.  We help corporates find solutions, innovators to scale products in new markets, and founders to grow companies that serve the world's aging populations.  Together, we can reduce the stress and enhance the joy of growing older worldwide.

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news, events, and connections in AGENCY's vibrant innovation community >

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